How could anyone look at these two people and not see the love that they share. And having seen that love, how could anyone think that they should be denied the same benefits that my husband and I enjoy! I just don't get it. And knowing the homophobic house I was raised in, if I can have this outlook, then I accept no excuses from anyone!
Today was a national protest against prop 8 in california to raise awareness for same sex unions. Believe it or not, there were quite a few protests in North Carolina. I was lucky enough to attend the Charlotte protest.

It was amazing to see so many Charlotteans out in support of equal rights!

Although it's nothing compared to the protests in California and places like Chicago, to see probably 150-200 people out in support of equal rights in the middle of the bible belt was quite a sight!

Some who know me will probably find this surprising, but this was my very first protest! I didn't grow up in a politically active family, and usually I feel that it's important that I stay fairly neutral in order to help people the most. For instance, if I take a very strong stand against abortion, then someone who is raped may not contact me for fear that I'll encourage them to have an abortion. But this issue is one where I just can't be silent.
I feel that this issue is the civil rights struggle of our time, and I want to be on the right side of history.

Seeing that I identify as straight, people have asked me why I feel so strongly about this issue. Well, first of all I believe the quote that says, "No one is free, when others are oppressed." But additionally, I feel that it is often the majority who must fight for the rights of the minority. I also find it horribly unfair that my husband and I automatically have the rights of visitation, inheritance, adoption, etc, simply because our sex organs fit better in the eyes of certain people!

So, bottom line, the protest was a big success, and I feel very good to have raised my voice against oppression. Hopefully, it won't be the last!
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