We then headed back to the apartment. At that point we were running a little late but not too bad. I still was able to have some quiet grounding time with Shifra that really helped me focus. I knew I was going to be nervous about the set up and such and knew I was going to need some time to get settled in. Aimie and Micki showed up soon after we were done and Aimie pulled out all her make up. She did a wonderful job and Aaron arrived in time to get some of it on tape.

And yes, that would be a GIGANTIC Modori Momosa in my hands! We'd used all the fancy stemware the night before so we were all making drinks in mugs and glasses and anything else that could be found in the cabinet. When Aimie finished with my make up, I went to put on my dress. I had been a little hesitant about the way I looked in my dress. It just hadn’t given me that WOW factor. But that morning it did. It felt so perfect and completely “right”. I walked out to a chorus of “aaawwwwssss”. It was awesome.

Right about that time, my dad and his girlfriend showed up. While I was getting ready, the girls had completely taken on the task of loading up the cars. By the time I got dressed everything was pretty much loaded and ready to go. This had been something I was stressing over since I was terrified that we would end up with too much stuff and not enough room in the cars. We could have put it all in the back of my dad’s truck but with the rain so imminent, we were all worried about it getting rained on. But alas, it was all taken care of, which was pretty much the theme of the whole day.

Micki was taking full advantage of the girl’s free time and was already taking group shots in the living room.

We soon moved out onto the grass out front of the apartment. I’m really hoping that those came out well! We had a wonderful time taking pictures and just reveling in the moment.

Then Mama got back from checking out of the hotel.

Soon, I asked for a time check and found out that we still didn’t need to leave for another 15 minutes. It was so nice to be ahead of schedule and not scrambling.

We decided that we should go ahead and head over to the facility. We rangled everyone together and decided on the order of our caravan.

Unfortunately we had about 8 cars and only 2 people who knew were we were going. Amazingly we all made it to the facility without losing anyone along the way.

1 comment:
Loved seeing your pics and reading about your special day!! Thank you for sharing!
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