I still can't believe that there is something the same length as that onion inside me floating around!!! It truly is amazing!
I got some super exciting news on Wednesday after I posted! My Bestie had her big anatomy ultrasound and everything looks wonderful! AND... she's having a GIRL!!! I've known since she got pregnant that it was a girl but now we know for sure and I can start buying stuff!! This news also makes me more and more excited to know for sure what we are having, even though I'm really sure it's a boy. We should be able to make the appointment for our anatomy scan today at our midwife appointment. I'm at 17 weeks so it should be any more than 3 weeks away. I'm so excited to have it on my calendar and be able to start counting down.
Tomorrow I get to go to the beach with my childhood BFF, my Bestie and my mom! I can hardly wait! It's going to be such a great time of girl bonding!! And I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post! Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
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