Friday, September 24, 2010
Week 18 Belly Pics
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato... (Week 18)

We lounged on the beach for a couple of hours, then headed to Calabash, SC for some seafood, and then back to the beach for more girltalk. We had planned to leave at about 5pm, but it was 7:30 before we were able to drag ourselves off the beach and point our saddles towards home. It was tiring, and I was up later than this pregnant woman usually can stay awake, but it was worth it! There's nothing better than sand between your toes, salt water spray on your face, and the laughter of girlfriends in your ears!
Another fun thing to happen this week is that we signed up for our HypnoBabies Childbirth class! It will start the first Wednesday in October and I'm so excited. It was afraid that this was a little too early to be starting the 6 week class, but I talked with the instructor and she said that this class is not just about childbirth. I'll learn things that will be very helpful throughout the pregnancy and not just during childbirth, so taking it early will be beneficial! I'm so excited to get started practicing the hypnosis and breathing techniques so that I have plenty of time for them to become second nature before we go into labor. I'm also hoping that they help me with learning to deal with my anxiety sans-medicine. We are still looking into a doula and trying to figure out how to work the fee into our budget (and decide if we really need one) but thankfully we still have some time on that decision.
Happy Wednesday everyone! I'll post bump pics soon!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Week 17 Belly Pics

I still can't believe that there is something the same length as that onion inside me floating around!!! It truly is amazing!
I got some super exciting news on Wednesday after I posted! My Bestie had her big anatomy ultrasound and everything looks wonderful! AND... she's having a GIRL!!! I've known since she got pregnant that it was a girl but now we know for sure and I can start buying stuff!! This news also makes me more and more excited to know for sure what we are having, even though I'm really sure it's a boy. We should be able to make the appointment for our anatomy scan today at our midwife appointment. I'm at 17 weeks so it should be any more than 3 weeks away. I'm so excited to have it on my calendar and be able to start counting down.
Tomorrow I get to go to the beach with my childhood BFF, my Bestie and my mom! I can hardly wait! It's going to be such a great time of girl bonding!! And I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post! Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
One Onion that Won't Make You Cry (Week 17)
"This week your baby has mastered some simple reflexes such as swallowing, sucking, and blinking. Your baby may even have a bout of the hiccups. Fat is also forming underneath your baby's skin and will continue to do so in the later months of your pregnancy. This will help prepare your baby for the temperature change from inside your womb to the outside world."
o what's going on with me? This past week has been a good one! I'm definitely feeling more energetic and less nauseous, which I'm thankful for every day! I still have a bout every once in a while, but nothing like the every day routine of the last few months. I still keep my Zofran close but haven't needed it nearly as much lately. I can definitely tell that my belly is getting bigger as sitting in certain positions feels differently and I'm starting to have a slight sensation of pressure in my lower abdomen. I think I've been feeling the baby, a few little "flutters" and a couple of "pops" but at this stage its really hard to tell what's the baby and what's gas or a muscle spasm because it all kind of feels the same. Hopefully very soon, it will start becoming unmistakable! I can't wait for that day and I really can't wait till Jay can start feeling them from the outside.
Jay is doing wonderfully. He is already so in love with the baby! I can't wait until we have our big anatomy scan in a few weeks and he gets to see the baby. I think it's a little hard for him since he doesn't get to experience what I experience, although I think he'd probably pass on the nausea and constipation. Hehe.
This weekend was a challenge mentally. We decided to head down to the Greek Festival for some great food. Well, crowds are not my specialty when I'm feeling good, and off my meds they make me want to crawl under the closest rock and hide. The feeling of not being able to stay out of everyone's way, and yet not feeling that I have as much right as everyone else to be there makes it almost impossible to navigate in a crowd without melting down. But we all survived. And I decided that there will be no more crowded festivals or events for me until I'm back on the medicine. Thankfully, Jay can take 'em or leave 'em so I'm not cramping his style. I think leaning what my limitations are going to be for this time that I am without medication and learning to respect those limitations is going to be key to Thriving in this season of my life.
This Friday we have another appointment with the Midwife. Since it should be pretty boring, I told Jay not to worry about getting off work, so my mom is going with me so she can hear the heartbeat first hand. Supposedly, our next appointment after this one should be our big anatomy scan and we should schedule that on Friday. I'm really excited to get it on the calendar and be able to count down. My BFF and her husband have their anatomy scan this afternoon! I'm so freaking excited!!! I can finally start buying stuff for her baby, well, actually I already bought something but it is gender neutral. I really hope she finds out she's having a girl (what she suspects and I "know" she's having!) because I'm sure we are having a boy. Then they can grow up as best friends and then fall in love and get married and my BFF and I can be Mother-in-Laws together and then the kids will give us grandbabies together! What?? Getting ahead of myself you say?!?! Funny that's what Jay says. But my BFF and I decided that it's never to soon to start hoping for the best for our kids!
Happy Hump Day everyone! Halfway to the weekend! I'll post bump pics tonight or tomorrow after I take them this evening!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Week 16 Belly Pictures
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
An Avocado Even Jay Can Love (Week 16)
I'm having a really hard time imagining that there is something the size of an avocado living inside me! But I guess that accounts for the bump that is becoming more and more noticeable. Thankfully, it's looking more like a baby bump and less like I need to hit the gym! So what's going on with baby this week:
"This week your baby's limbs are much more developed, legs and arms are longer and are becoming more controlled in movement. Your baby's skeletal system is developing more as calcium is deposited onto the bones. Over the next couple of weeks your baby's weight will double."
Another website I follow said that this week the baby's ear drums are developing and he can now hear our voices. Yay! How exciting is that!! As for me... I've been a little hit or miss this week. Still can't quite get the magic amount of food in my system to stave off the nausea but avoid the indigestion. I'm still popping Zofran every few days when the nausea gets really bad and can't be very far from my TUMS but it's all manageable. I'm beginning to get some of my energy back! Yay!!!! Spending all my non-working time on the couch was about to drive me insane!!
This weekend, I was actually able to clean almost the entire downstairs. I got the kitchen cleaned and some organizing done I've been wanting to do. I picked up the dining area and arranged the table. I picked up the clutter in the living room and then vacuumed. Moved the puppy's crate into the office/craft room (and out of my living room! woohoo!), vacuumed and Jay cleaned the carpet in there with my mom's steam cleaner. It felt so nice to have just a little energy again and to have my house looking descent!
Sunday, some friends came over for a cook out to celebrate the holiday and my birthday! I still can't believe that I am 31. 30 was one of the toughest years of my life! And I was not sorry to see it go! I can only imagine how much better 31 will be. I guess sometimes it really is darkest before the dawn. Don't get me wrong, we have some serious challenges to face. I'm desperate to stay home with the baby after s/he comes and we're still not seeing how that could work financially, but I keep telling myself that we have 5 more months to work it out.
Besides nausea and indigestion, fear and anxiety have become my constant companions. I didn't realize how much they had gone away since finding the right combo of meds in December. I find my self "going backwards"... falling into old thought patterns, fighting the same demons I thought I'd conquered. It's becoming a real challenge to not be "fragile". My feelings are easily hurt. I spend a lot of time and energy trying to protect a very fragile ego. I find it all but impossible to say to myself that others' opinions are their own and do not effect me. Just because someone disagrees with me doesn't make me wrong and them right. Disagreements are not always attacks and even when they are I am in control of whether they strike me or not. Lately, I feel like a small boat on a large sea being constantly tossed around. I feel like my anchor, my sense of self, my core self esteem has been destroyed and I am at the mercy of the opinions of others. Everything feels like an attack and everything blows me off course.
BUT... as long as I can learn to manage, this course of action is so much better for my Butter Bean. S/he won't have to worry about withdrawals after birth and I will be able to breastfeed which is extremely important to me!
But I don't just want to manage! I want to THRIVE!
This is certainly not the first challenge I've faced and it by far won't be the last! I've risen to every challenge I've ever been faced with from being diagnosed with bi-polar (which I had to fight for years to even get help with!) to the love of my life being deployed overseas for 8 months. I've yet to break, and I'm not about to start now!
So, here's to Week 16! To being 31! To the best year yet! To rising to the challenges we're faced with! To my little avocado! And to learning to THRIVE! Happy Wednesday everyone! I'll post belly pics tonight or tomorrow.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The girl's name has been harder. The middle name is pretty much set. My middle name is Louise as is my mom's and her mom's. Sharing it with the women in my lineage has always meant a lot to me. Well... except when I was really little and didn't like my name at all. I thought the whole thing was just too old fashioned and not at all like anyone else I knew. I wanted to change my name to something... food-like. Yes, you read that right! I desperately wanted to be Muffin, or Cookie, or Candy! Thank goodness I wasn't allowed to change it! I'd have ended up a stripper fo' sho'!!! Jay doesn't have any problems with with my middle name, Louise it is.
If I wasn't worried about elementary school yard teasing ,although we plan to homeschool our kids, I'd go with Parasadie (pronounced Pear (like the fruit)-zadie) as a first name. It's a family name on my mom's side and I've always thought it was so cool and unique. And we could call her Sadie. And of course I would call her Sadie Lou. But I'm just not sure if that would be cruel and unusual punishment for a child.
So the other day, out of no where I thought of the perfect name! Olivia! Ok, I'll fess up, we were watching Law and Order: SVU and I love detective Olivia Bensen. Jay liked it right off the bat, and the more I think about it the more I like it. I know it's in the Top 10 baby names for 2010 and my child might end up in classrooms down the line with 4 other Olivias, but hopefully not. I think it's the perfect balance of old fashioned but doesn't feel dusty or old.
But the absolute best part of it is... I can call her Livi-Lou!!! She'll hate it! It'll make it even more fun! ;-)
We won't know if we're having a boy or a girl for about 5 more weeks. And I'm pretty positive we are having a boy, but at least I'm confident now that we have both a girl's name and a boy's name that we both love and feel connected to.
Happy Friday everyone! Wishing everyone a safe and happy Holiday Weekend!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
But You Can't Compare Apples and Oranges (Week 15)

So what's up with baby this week: