Wednesday is really when everything got started. Wednesday afternoon at about 2pm I got off work. I had a million errands to run and was able to accomplish everything I needed to do. The out of towner's bags got dropped off at the hotel. (Unfortunately, no pictures of them, but trust me they were totally cute. I had gotten khaki canvus bags and used iron on paper to put our monogram on the front.) I picked up all the drinks we needed at the grocery store (the adorable guy that checked me out commented on how someone must really like milk and soda). :-) After all the errands were done, I was even able to have dinner with Jay and our best man and take time to breath and prepare for everything to start. My three friends from California, Jennifer, Maria and Erin flew into town that night. Their flight was delayed in New York so it was 2am before the poor girls got to Charlotte. Thank goodness, I had been drinking a steady stream of Dr. Pepper. I picked them up at the airport and expected that they would want to go straight to sleep, but we ended up talking until almost 3:30 or 4am.
Thursday was wonderful. We had planned to take a trip up to Asheville, but with the girls getting in later than expected and having things that still needed to be picked up we ended up canceling our trip which was a wonderful idea. My friend Jessica met up with us that morning and we dropped off some stuff with our caterer and my wonderful friend, Darby. Then we headed to Harpers Restaurant for what I consider to be the best chicken tenders in the world!

During lunch we realized that there was going to be more rentals to be picked up then could be packed in one car since there were 5 of us in my car. After lunch we grabbed Jessica's car and headed to pick up the rentals. That was a wonderful experience as the folks at Party Reflections were wonderful and so helpful! After getting the rentals we grabbed the flowers that had been delivered to Jmom's house and headed back to put them in water. I cannot tell you how happy I was when I saw the flowers!

They even more beautiful then I had expected. I had really been worried about them since I'd never ordered from the places we got them from and I knew there wasn't going to be much we could do about it if they didn't turn out well. So, with the work behind us, we headed to the mall to get our nails done. That was a wonderful experience and something I am so thankful we took time out to do. Jessica got great pictures as we were getting our services done, and my brother, Luke, showed up about half way into them. We all laughed and joked as we relaxed and plotted as to where we were going to dinner.

We made a quick stop at JC Penny's before leaving. My brother, Luke, is rather small and his tux had fit except for the white shirt. I was surprised that the tux place had not had one to fit him, but we decided that having him in a shirt that was different but that fit would be better than having him in a matching shirt that made him look like he was five years old. Once that was accomplished, we headed to Cracker Barrel to get the California girls some authentic southern cooking! They of course loved it, even the fried okra. And my brother looked so cute pimping it with five gorgeous women! I wish I had a picture of that!
Up next... the Bachelorette Party!
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