So, not familiar with Instagram? Basically, it's a social network based around sharing pictures. I love the "real time" aspect of it. Often times, the Pioneer Woman (for instance) will post what is going on on their ranch and it makes me feel like I'm there. It has also challenged me to take and post more pictures even if it's just from my phone. Seeing that there are some major gaps in my photographic documentation of Turtle's first year, I'm thankful for anything that encourages me to take more pictures. Plus this new phone (iPhone 4s) takes much better pictures than my old, stupid EVO did.
So, what do these Instagram pics look like? I'm so glad you asked!
Here's Turtle taking in all the action last weekend before the Bobcats vs. Hawks basket ball game we went too. She loved the hubbub of the pregame stuff. And she is fearless! We are going to have to get a baby leash soon because she is getting fast and could be lost in a crowd very easily.
Here are a few from Easter. I got her a dress even though we were only going to our friends' house. I figure she'll wear it for Mother's Day too.

She liked playing with the eggs but not so much "hunting" them. And even though she watched me put gold fish in them, she still didn't seem to care. Oh well, next year.

And finally, my two favorite people in the world!
I suspect you'll be seeing a lot more Instagram pics on the blog from now on. Happy Monday everyone! It's going to be a great week!
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