If ever I felt the need to count my blessings it would be today! So, I hope you enjoy this installment of Thankful Thursdays, and I hope that you can take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things in your life today.
1) My amazing husband!
I am amazed by this man every day. Every day he does something special, sometimes these are small things like cooking dinner on a Tuesday night so that I can catch up with my mom. Sometimes these are bigger things like being willing to go with my great friend and her husband to see the new Twilight Saga movie in June. And sometimes these are huge things like when I dropped my Blackberry at Walmart last night and the rolly ball fell out. He put it back together, right there in the middle of the women's clothing section and it worked! He is truly my hero on so many levels and for so many reasons!
2) My Blackberry
Contemplating having to get a new phone last night was awful! It's not so much that I love my Blackberry, but that I'm looking forward to getting the new HTC EVO when it comes out in just over 3 weeks. I just need this phone to hold on till then. As sad as it sounds, I really have no idea what I would do without my phone!
3) My new job
I think the best way to describe how I feel about my new job, is to say that I have found it extremely easy to fall back into the swing of a 5 day work week. After over a year and a half at 4 days a week, you'd think that 5 days would be an adjustment. One would also imagine that I might be frustrated having to work 5 days for the same amount of money I was making at 4 days a week. But this couldn't be more wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be at the beach... or Big Sur, CA, but this office is certainly not the worst place in the world. I like so many things about my new office. I get to sit outside my PMs' offices instead of in some sort of admin pool. Everyone takes lunch from 12-1 which means everyone gets a break. I have my own space, so I can easily bring my lunch and have a calm, quite place to eat it. I leave at 5pm or very close to it every day! And I get to wear my jeans to work every day if I want to!!! And infact... today I have my Converse on!!
4) My wonderful puppy
There is nothing like coming home to this furry creature who's entire world has just lit up since you came through the door! I am also thankful that we have finally figured out a way to get him to take the liquid medicine the Dr perscribed! Woohoo!! No, really! You have no idea what a struggle this has been! Hopefully, now he will get better for real this time! I can only imagine what it must feel like to have a sick child because it is hard enough seeing my furry baby not feeling well.
5) My wonderful friends and family!
Although my best friend is having to miss out on attending a wedding (because of the Army being the... well... Army), I am thankful that it means that I will be able to see her this weekend for her birthday! And I'm also super thankful for the totally awesome present I found for her! I think it will be something she really likes and really shows her that I know who she is! Now if I can just find it! I remember looking at it when it came in, but don't know what happened to it after that. :-/ But like Jay said, "it has to be around here somewhere seeing that we NEVER throw anything out!" hehe!
6) My new weight watchers account
I signed up for an online Weight Watchers account on Monday and I'm super excited about it. I need to write a much longer post about it, but the short version is... 1. HOLY COW, I eat more food than I ever dreamed! 2. For an organized, Type A, fill-in-the-blank freak like me, the point trackers and check boxes are awesome! and 3. The Weight Watchers people are BRILLIANT! I bought a whole crap load of stuff at the grocery store for the sole reason that it had the Weight Watchers points listed on the front of the box! Like I said, I need to write a much longer blog on this topic and what limiting the food I eat has brought up emotionally, but I'll get to that on another day.
P.S. I totally wrote this yesterday, but got distracted before publishing... so have a Thankful Friday instead!